The Times from Shreveport, Louisiana (2024)

YOUR MORNING NEWSPAPER TWENTY THE SHREVEPORT TIMES, MONDAY, AUGUST 4, 1947 Man Fed Through Tube for 25 Years It because on August 25 hia 29tH birthday he will enter AlleghenT General hospital here for a rr esophagus operation which hopr will cure him. HEDDA HOPPER him that for $100,000 the White Sox-Cincinnatl series could be "thrown," Rothsteln withheld his answer He went to Fallon and asked whether participation In such a deal could be a basis for criminal prosecution. KWKH KTBS KRMD 1130 KC US 1180 KC NBC 1340 KC AHC 50,000 ATTS 1,000 IV ATT 8 250 ATTS Walter Winchell Deserted Village 7 Saf LaAr Cfy Recalls a Great Trek MONDAY MORNING PROGRAMS i The earliest volunteer fire department in this country wa organied In New York by Peter Stuyvesant ta 1659. Leather buckets and a supply of hooks and ladders were purchased. Mitt of my 'Scout encampm'ent.

where 4,000 kid! 5 JJubUr News Fait lake rtah threw ring rlrru. were bedded down. The head of the! Jubilee r-irir have iwn hi! I wo der how many of von er ormon rnurcn, ijorge rtioeri fimun, Pittsburgh, Aug. 3 (p) Mickey Schuster, a Youngstown, Ohio furniture worker, never wanted anyone outside his family to know he couldn't cat normally. For 26 years all the food he has received has been through a tube Inserted In his stomach.

He 'didn't tell anyone not even the girl he loved but never asked to marry him because of It. WM upWert to ahaie tent with' 15 Farm New one of the acouta that night. The Kcnt.ickians 4 Harmie Smith up a rirc'ia that had 0 what happened to i. c.ty while l'a rentenr. lal.

being for one vr. flood tide Again putting 7 A M. Npwi, Miranrty Jamboi cc DR. G. LOPER Optometrist 1615 Slattery Bid.

PHONE 2-00S 1 rr cmrim nrin 1 neeu 10 oe inoneni bout thin celebration. They mere a. ear planning It, and nothing ha been skipped. Even the outlying Fof The Bp In Radio News Head The Times Start the Day UiKht Start She Day Hicht Iihylhm WianrlciA Start the Day HiKht Louis Fischer, News Hanpy Birtiuiay to You Zeke Mannrrs Charles Wolcott Breakfast Club Brrakfast Club Breakfast Cluh Bieakfast Club My True Story Story Hymns Hvmns all Churches Listening Post Breakfast In Hollywood rjalcn Drake Ted Malime up motel, ovey Amerira tea on car from district "ml small town went f.ouisiana Farm New's fjfisncl Voice; Hisc nd Shine Hunch News, Weningrr Weathrr. Parker Webb Pierce.

Jane Nelson Olmstca News. Phillips Once Upon Our Time of Life Joyce Jordan Fred WarinB Show r'reti Warm Shov The J.ick Bcn Show Meet the Band Bjllads By Bina F.choe from Tropics W'oids and Music Word- and Music 7:1.1 Bailee Rrnt 7.30 Johnnie Baile 7:45 Hsyloit Hits-News A Morning News SIS Harmie Smith III) Bailee Bros 8 45 Id News 9 A Arthur Godfrey 9:15 Arthur Oodfrey HO Grand Slam 9.45 Old Corral Now Mickey Is willing to talk about through a beautifying proresa before the celebration. A roving reporter wm aent out to photograf the poorest e'v -'e of the union Ferhed fin Rirkman office he of the rhamher of com- The keen Fallon though at that time no laws had been passed anywhere, such as have been Incorporated Into many state statutes since replied that it would be actionable on broad grounds of obtaining money under fais pretense; that Is. any players agreeing to play losing ball could be so held, and anyone paying them to do so could be found guilty of conspiring to defraud Roth-atcln. who had vast Interests always hanging on hairs, decided not to chance a possible Jail rap He turned Attell down.

But, knowing Abe. he was certain the exboxer would find an angel for such a big, soft touch Therefore, while Rothsteln was entirely In the clear, did not advance a dime, had nothing to do with any payoff or any approach to Kid Olenson's team, he scattered about $150,000 around the country on the Fterls The "hit less wonder" Sox (I hough that was not the year they won this appclatlon) were favorites Rothsteln won about 200,000 and took no risk of losing his money or his liberty. time to wl'ne the parade me rr e-re of tr, covered wagon caravan, which, piciurrs Wa. the New hao from Nauvoo. to R1R Sister H-aoed hv the tn PP'' "mat 'he In .10 Unma-ice nf Helen Trent 10.45 Our Suivrlav nme ao angry, tny cleaned up re hard from San Dizo i Cfiwloy Jam nwlinr Jamlioiee Wetemne Traveler For Women Only Acco: tlniK to lici nt II A 'Rnrnanre of Winters 11:15 rnvlrt Hirnni I I .10 Fli.bcth Muiic II 45 KKle SUjoIi Ion their town, after berating the edltora for tailing their weak spot to public 0 T-- II tne iiv.i but thev weren t.

the nr1 'ied hv the pioneer. Tht Cow liny amhoi re Cow liny NA attention. And I never aaw more t-1 triev ei mde of -anv MONDAY AFTERNOON PROGRAMS New Nick fieai hart Baukhaae, New Treasure Chest flwrn Williams usi Oouahboys News The Louisian a Checker Time I Woody Herman Time and Time Again Walter Kiernan. News Ma Perkins Fthel and Albert By A I.AIT While nightlife business is rather Rood around Hollywood. It was perhaps never worse In New York.

And the exoclu of the dine-dancc-drink brigade to Saratoga, will further deplete the local sucker supply. Never had I witnessed a Summer in Manhattan so depopulated Checking news, I get the comeback all day. every day: "Sorry Mr. So-andso la on vacation." Maybe Walter Wlnchell Is pretty smart. He hikes himself to Hollywood in July and leaves me the lean pickings.

The news shrinks In the dog-mouths, but the space doesn't. O. K. fill "or up. We learn from a private eye that a fairly prominent businessman I In for a flock of surprises and a probable epnratlon suit.

He has heen maklnK trips to Boston rather more often than his trade, there would Justify. His wife, who was his secretary, noticed that She hired a snooper, who cased him and discovered he was meeting a blonde up there, hot for purposes of Interstate commerce Also, said blonde wrote him to a post office box here. The wife, presenting an order written on his letter-head, got a duplicate key. She has, since, been steaming open the letters and getting them photstated. after which she returns them Let's him go on lying and allbing.

even showing phony "orders" from Boston About the time the leave begin to fall, the roof will, too on his dome. Lts. Blanchard and Davis, the West Toint football prodigies, in Hollywood on regular postgrad leave and starring In a movie, are about the biggest come-ons the filmgals have gone for In a generation Not only the younger, starlet set, but the established glamorlnes are throwing heavy passes at them Doc Blanchard has been gaining ground with Paramount's Jean Marshall, I learn from Florabel Muir, of Dally Variety, 12 Noon News Covlnston 12 15 Jumper Junction 12 .10 A News 12:45 Guiding LiEht 1 P.M. Rowing Today 1:15 KWKH Farm Journal 1:30 KWKH Farm Journal 1:45 Rose of My Dreams 2 P.M. Hint Hunt 2 15 Hint Hunt Out News 2 Oive unit Take 2 45 Oive and Take 3PM For You 3 15 For You 3:30 For You 3:45 For You freedlv painted, brighter communities alnce I atoned on thee travela.

A hundred year ano, on July 24, Brigham Young leached Salt Lake valley, and aald, "This la the tvord.s are featured on all thej tate'a auto license platea. After mo-! torlng through the entire atate. I greed it la the place. One; third generation Mormon told ma that hi grandpappy had pushed hi grandmother from Council Bluffa, Ion to "thla la the place." Said! the grandson. 'Even I'm atlll tired from the trek." The governor' convention In Salt Lake had Just p-r1 fr.f a if fiion: n'afi'ui 'ir ard tr'i'ka one of which aerved a p.umo:ng ee? hi men t.

on either a.rie of the were cut-out, oxen, with fancy brands painted on by the artist, ard sage hruah stuck here and there Some of the car had waahlng rrsr. on the line from the back. TriTi riTt a group of white men fa.r.ted a Indian. One caught my ee He weighed SfiO pound, and I thought how happy a pioneer would ha'e heen could he have entered 5a Lake with ao much fanfare. rm a couple of busea got tangled Pepper Young Family RiKht to Happiness Backstaee Wife Stella Dallas Lorenzo Jones Yoiiiie Widfier Brown Believe It or Not Portia Faces Life Today's Children Bride and Groom Bride and Groom Ladies Be Seated T.adic lie Seated Paul Whilcman Club Paul Whiteman Club Paul "Whiteman Club Paul Whiteman Club F.ddy Duehin John Kirby.

News I Woman In White Masq'rade: Crocker Terry and the Pirates LiKht of the World Sky Kine Club 14n Club 14R0 Fallon told me the story, himself, years later, as I dined with him and Oertie Vanderbilt at Billy LaHlff's Tavern He knew 1 had traveled with the White Sox that year and covered the series, and fherefore would be Interested I hope It will Interest J. G. Taylor Spink, too, for he Uvea, breathes and dreams baseball, and. as Its historian, may welcome an authentic addendum to Its lore on one of Its most Ignominious, but most Interesting, episodes. Subpoenas for ihe party girls to the senate hearing In re Howard Hughes have been postponed I venture a guess the babes will never be called Too many private secrets of too many public persons at stake But if the bottom is 4 M.

For You 4 15 Monty Mi-Gee at the Piano 4 .10 In the Groove 4 45 Harmie Smith 5 M. News, Vandcrconk, Music 5:15 'Spoils- News 5-30 r-lub 15 5 45 Hobert Trout. News Jack Armstrong Dick Tracy News Mender of Men Hectue-it Parade Boll F.berly Club 14R0 Club 14H0 News, Nick Gearhart Sports Mulc up Sth the prrxesalon, the chief of ennen. it, was auppoaen 10 nave neen ho was atandir.K rx-alde me. three-day visitation, but atretched h.e h.s gsuiket How in the: ltrif to five.

While there were only! p. did thev ever 40 governor and their wive Invited. 'h-se hisr.kety-hlank-hiank thing th entertained 400 vlaltora. rrew up h. parade, he wan'ed to Beem It ha become the diatom for! MONDAY EVENING PROGRAMS Plays by Far Plays by Ear World News News, Nick Gearhart The Telephone Hour The Telephone Hour Or.

I. CJ Dr. I. Q. the governors to take their aecretariea! nd their families.

But western hoapliality embrace all. Each gover-! nor a wife left with the purest all-1 white Utah blanket obtainable, and The parade ended in time for an eiu-door atreet ahow performance; fen ir'ereet moved to the University rf fth whete a pageant P.M. Inner Sanctum 15 Inner Sanctum fi.10 Arthur Godfrey's 6:45 Talent Scouts R. Henry 7PM 7 15 CBS Is There 7 .10 7:45 Escape M. My 'My Friend Irma Bob HawK 8:45 iBob Hawk Show Headline Fdition Alsop Brothers Snorts Farace Out of the Dusk to You N' Abner Bobby Dovle Show Treasury ABpm Treasury Auent Montgomery Williams Ficht Shrcveoort-Houston Baseball Game scraped on some overseas flying co*cktail tray made by dis featuring the atnry of the abled veteran.

Mra, Thoma Dewey aettlera planned. How- i franchise scrimmages, Intrigues such as the U. S. has never heard before will pop up civilian and official wire-tappings, girls assigned to trap I traveled all the way from New York e-r. even the heaven put on tiuhtnmff and rain.

with her huaband, then made only two i appearance, which disappointed the married men in embarrassing posi P.M. 'Lowell Thomas. News 9:15 Ray Heatherton's Orch 9:30 'Serenade 9:45 Serenade tions, favors and gratuities of magni- f. that, t'he humana irij ii.ut ti innrtM. At vjt.

VaI aa 11 ri riinnlnir a know-all, see-all, spill-all reporters tude that will top Teapot Dome, reporter. Davis, Im tipped, is Drs. Talk It Over Sh re venoit- Houston Baseball Game Shreveport-Houston Baseball Game News nf Tnrrnrrnw Skitch Henderson Orch The Carnation Contented Hour First Piano Quartet First Piano Quartet Supper Club Henry Cassidy Voice of Firestone Voire of Firestone Nick Gearhart, News St. Locus Serenade Russ Mornran's Music: Russ Morgan News Music to Read Bv Music to Read By San Francisco Radio Theatre SINE the In the atadium were- Via VA, 10 P.M. News Reporter-- Bob Shipley 10 15 Patlcrns in Mnsie ISports Final 10:45 Tempos of Today VIHT Uirnuiriii iir 'iuin lime the how had to canceled.

doing more broken field running. oern me miAi popular ui inf ini. Juslifiahlo Homicide" in Death of Stray Cat Cm the way to the Country where we mere dined by tha BsickTnan, we paasert a Boy News SINK! However, he atlll aaya "No." learning that Llzabeth Scott and Butt Lanta.ster had flown up to make 11 P.M. News 1130 Club 11-15 '1110 Club 11:10 '1110 Club 11:45 .1130 Club News aaiiMMMHMajaBW. yri 12 MID '1 130 Club latest picture.

"Deaert Fury," 1215 1110 Club phoned Lancaster, who had come to I Sqe your money by shop ALL FAMOUS MAKES and MODELS James Aloysius Farley's forthcoming book of New Deal reminiscences and recriminations was not fairly previewed In the magazine series, which skimmed off the more striking passages, but upset the continuity and orderly progress of the narrative. Farley is a methodical man, and his day-to-day diary material wlil ring with verity I don't know whether he mentions one Incident, of which I know The day after Pearl Harbor, Farley, one of the most capa- the city in the spirit of the pioneer utif haven and uncombed. He aet me i 1 A.M. 1:03 'SINK ping ct the new oir-condi- Oakland, Aug. 3 Oakland police yesterday rendered a verdict of "Justifiable homicide" In the bludgeon slaying of Felix, a stray torn cat.

The slayer, Barber John Belt, explained that he slugged Felix over the head with a blunt Instrument after the cat had broken into an aviary of prize canaries and helped himself to a $1,000 snack. atralght on the atory that wm blatted out over the radio that he behaved; The doorman not recognizing hlm-llke it heel In New York and waa turned him away. Said Burt. "But tioned Green Wolls Drug or coll 6111 for fot. player In Hollywood, and I'm sure If ever reached Tlmbuctoo I'd find 75 to J24 Scott there, making a personal ap-' my pal, Don Defore, Is waiting for me at the bar." Just then a bus boy happened by who did recognize the free motorcycle delivery.

pearance for the next picture. hie and seasoned executives among star, and put the doorman straight. wnnripr wV, 4i Jmen of public affairs in the nation, Plans for Cane Festival Taking Shape 75c Liitcrine Antiseptic 54c Then Burt was allowed to Join his (telegraphed President Roosevelt, of- frtend. Of course, the house pho-i m' fering his services to his country in tographer appeared with a camera) learned that two of our great any capacity whatever The reply and wanted pictures of the two. All Hollywood stars, will shudder at the' was: "Thanks, I knew I could rely on Burt wanted was a drink and an exit.

tl you" That was the last Jim gett ing too big for hi britches. Burt a atory 1 thla. He went to El Morocco to meet hi friend, Don Defore. NIGHT SCHOOL Mondays and Thursdays, 6:00 P. M.

to 9:00 P. M. Shorthand, Typewriting, Accounting and Comptometrv. Individual advancement Call or phone for further information. New Iberia.

Aug. 3 P). Plans for the agricultural fair at the sugar i mm Liirj uruy rneir; heard from However, a picture was snapped when Farley ever he wasn't looking. Burt demanded lef Ust tendencies, had preceded us to i House. the hite and pamphlets lusting the rules are I being mailed out to 800 prospective Cigorette pack 20c LIBERAL TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE WaML ietyo fl TTflyeve-k 6 iecas 5V.

Carton, 1.87 4-Hur the negative, and, reverting to his toi gh man role In "The Killers," said, "If I don't get it, Ml sock you In the Jaw." He got It period. I mlwd Llzabeth Scott she was swimming. But I didn't miss her a year ago when I was In London. She was shopping with the English housewives there. She's the travelingest i tm'-z.

vr exhibitors In Lafayette. St. Martin, St. Mary and Vermilion parishes. Tremlums totaling around $3,700 are to be awarded la 69 classes of exhibits ranging from livestock to home made pot holders.

Sixteen educational booths are I planned for the fnlr. 15c Focial Tissues, 100s, 10c F.xpert Wat eli Repair J. G. Taylor Spink. Mr.

Baseball, owner-publisher of the Sporting News, wrote a remarkable book "Judge' Landls and 25 Years of Baseball" It fascinated me. It brims with inside stuff which long a baseball reporter and much longer a baseball psycopath, had never even suspected It quotes me' accurately and fairly on my published opinion Service Rust U-40 Protamine Zinc rlErWCjOUfiSP Salt Lake by a couple of days to do little missionary work in behalf of fund raising for Henry Wallace. They put their request smack dab before the city fathers and planners and promised to flood the place with a couple of dozen stars of the calibre of Katharine Hepburn, Eddie Robin-aon, and John Garfield. They said they would put on an all-star show featuring humanity and the need for tolerance. But the citizens of Salt Lake City, who have a great deal of tolerance, gave them the brush-off.

Insulin S4c Map-Me Bldg. Phone Shreveoort. Louisiana of Landls, whom I regard as a mega Dovol Baby Bottle, Com lomaniac tyrant and bully, though plete 30c Spink's verdict on the first High Commissioner of the national pastime Is yjv 'ViMMMAV' irVMt on the whole, complimentary It pays high tribute to Ban Johnson Kl.MMWirK SPOTS HMICAIN Wlrhitft ftnne IPt A niminarp above Landis. and this. I.

who knew sale 1. no place to leave your hat, long and well, heartily second L.ewis wonora can testily, a city; In only one statement does brother license Investigator, Worford made Spink not c)aim fuH knowledge of nis 6 for 1.75 Meyenberg Goat Milk 45c Mull-Soy Baby Food 39c Otoe Baby Food 94c Copson Nursing Bottle Sterilizers 3 00 Chux Disposable Diapers, Box of 25 1.59 SHIRTS FINISHED the way Men Like Them Finished subject and in that he hits the true on a hot day. He took off his hatnote natura, of a and laid it on a table. A few minutes; newspaperman He says, after later he found that It had been ildjnotl that ArnoI(J Rothsteln tMt, for a trifle to an unidentified cus-'fiH tK, lied that he turned down Abe Attell proposition to finance the Black Sox bribery of 1919: "I always thought the unsavory Rothsteln knew far more than he pretended" Perhaps I can enlighten Spink and others on Just how much more Rothsteln did ACROSS NEW FROM SIIHF. F.FOKT MARKERS i ANDERSON'S TRl-STATE MONLMF.NT CO.

Bossier Citv. La. know. I got the story from Bill Fallon, the "Great Mouthpiece" of Gene Fowler's book Fallon was a phenomenally brilliant lawyer, adviser Imagine every shirt being re and pleader for the underworld. He wa the attorney for Rothsteln.

fabulous financier of crooked racing and fixed gambling When Attell. former world featherweight champion, approached Rothsteln. telling YOU'LL FIND IT AT GREEN WALLS Call Us for Free Delivery of Borden's Delicious Ice Cream Pints 30c Quarts 55c 85c Go 1 1.70 Lady Borden Double Rich Pints 35c Any Site Packed in Dry Ice 50c Additional rai L. OUR GAL Vi SUNDAY A Columbia serial drama starring Vivian Smolen in the title role. KIDNEYS GETTING YOU UP NIGHTS? If you gt up nights have frequent de-ire to pass your water but have only scanty passages yes.

and have, backache due to excess acidity in the urine, be glad you re reading this: Three generations ago Dr. Kilmer, a famous doctor, found hundreds of his patients with this trouble. PainstakinRly he made a medicine of 16 herbs, roots, vegetables, balsams Nature's own way to relief. He called jt "Swamp-Root" and millions of grateful mriT and women have taken it oltrn with amazing results. Swamp-Root rocs right to wotk to Hush our increases th; flow ol urine, helping torrlieve excess acidity so the irritated bladder gets a good flushing out, too.

Many report getting a good rught'a sleep after the first few doses. Caution: take as directed. For free trial supply, send to Dept. Kilmer Box 1255, Stamford, Conn. Or get full-sized bottle of Swamp-Root today at your drugstore.

turned crisp and fresh in a special shirt box to protect them in handling. You, too, will be pleased with the uniformly smart appearance of your own shirts when laundered and finished at any one of the plants listed below. Our newly installed and exclusive American Shirt Finishing Machinery is the reason why you con expect such high quality shirt finishing on every shirt sent to us. 1 ALL KINDS QN ALMOST ANYTHING Baby Gift Comb and Brush Sets 1.95 to 3.49 Nursing Bottle Holders 79c Plastic Boby Bibs 29c 1B OFF FOR CASH CARRY Plastic Over-All Boby Bibs KAPPY DAY! tm SI 49c 34c 69c Rubber Baby Ponts Goodyear Plasti-Cleer "Snopikins" Snop on Plostic Boby Ponts 10:45 -If mm A. M.

MSA Monday through Friday 1 OF VALUE! including your outome 'bile or truck, whether pai for or not, on furniture machinery, equipment or 01 almost anything else. Borrow all the money yo need from us. Ask fo Mr. Gray, manager of Loar Department or Mr. Gullat general manager.

MOTORS security Comoany. Inc. 1217 Texas Oonosite Charity Hospital PICK-UP DELIVERY FOR THOSE WHO PREFER Bring us your prescriptions or have your Doctor phone them to us. We guarantee thot they will be filled exactly os he orders, and that they vill cost you less. FAST, FREE DELIVERY Corn Plaster with Nuparcain RELIEVES 3 WAYS! Stops shne pressure its soft Dura-felt pad relieves pain instantly Curbs surface pain, thanks to Blue-Jay'sex-clusive anesthetic Nupercaine! Loasena hard "core" with gentle medication- you iust lift it out in a few days! Aslc for Blue-Jay "Amtrita't Largtit Sailing Cora Matter" Rr, V.

5. Pat. Oft. bv Ciha on Ill'll lli.ll 0 0 a.NV" 1130 on your dial Green Wall Drug Tr4H AT MIR THY 'Pfvilion of Th KtndaH Companfjj UUCO0O b4ajattaafeja i ri.

The Times from Shreveport, Louisiana (2024)


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Author: Errol Quitzon

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Name: Errol Quitzon

Birthday: 1993-04-02

Address: 70604 Haley Lane, Port Weldonside, TN 99233-0942

Phone: +9665282866296

Job: Product Retail Agent

Hobby: Computer programming, Horseback riding, Hooping, Dance, Ice skating, Backpacking, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.