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Suzanne Williams Room 301Suzanne Williams, 5-year-old female, weight 35.2 lbs., recently diagnosed with leukemia.CBC results: neutrophil count 1.7, white blood count 30,000. She is reporting gradual armand leg pain at a 6/10 over the last 4 weeks. Parents attributed pain to “growing pains”.Patient experiencing n/v/d and loss of appetite. Vital Signs Temperature 100.8, HR 115, BP100/65, RR 23, PaO2 95%. The patient is beginning a second round of chemotherapy.You responded correctly to 6 out of 6 evaluations:CategoryYour responseExplanationEducationalNeedsIncreasedacuityStatus assessment reports patient possible diagnosis of LeukemiaHealthIncreasedacuityStatus assessment reports risk for infection, abnormal labs, and vital signs.LOCNormal acuityStatus assessment reports no indication of increased LOC acuityPainIncreasedacuityStatus assessment reports gradual arm and leg pain.PsychNormal acuityStatus assessment reports no indication of increased Psych acuity.SafetyIncreasedacuityHigh risk for infection due to Leukemia. Infection control is of mostimportance.Hayden Clark Room 302Hayden Clark, 6-year-old male, weighing 44 lbs., comes to school looking disheveled, andnot wearing a coat with the outside temperature in the low 40’s.You responded correctly to 5 out of 6 evaluations:CategoryYourresponseExplanationEducationalNeedsIncreasedacuityEducation needed for child and parents relating to clothing, h ...
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